Executive VIP Oncological Check Up
Take control of your health!!
We offer comprehensive Oncological check-up in the best Check Up center in Tel Aviv.
All tests, are done in one place, under one roof, in one day.
Health is as much about prevention as it is about cure. It’s also about how you feel. That’s why we offer complete health assessments. They can help spot potential health issues before they become health problems, and they provide advice and reassurance to help keep you healthy.
Regular health exams and tests can uncover problems in early stages, providing you with better options for treatment and cure. Which exams and screenings you need depends on your age, health, family history, and lifestyle choices such as diet, how active you are, and whether you smoke.
Oncological Check Up
The check up gathers under one roof, screening programs for 12 common cancers for both men and women. The evaluation is done by leading physicians in each discipline. These cancers include: skin, oral cavity, thyroid, breast, lung, prostate, testis, enlarged lymph nodes, ovaries, cervix, uterus and the colon and rectum.
During the visit:
1. Registration
2. Routine laboratory tests and Genetic testing
3. Open Breakfast
4. Interview for symptoms and risk factors by a well trained physician
5. Complete evaluation by senior physicians of the center
6. Evaluation by specific experts in each discipline (General Surgeon, Oral Cavity Surgeon, Urologist, Dermatologist/Plastic Surgeon, and other experts when needed
7. Specific tests (Low dose CT, US)
8. Clinical Nutritionist’s consultation and life style modifications.
In addition:
1. Stress test – Argumetry to check the Heart
2. Ophthalmologist evaluation including intra-occular pressure to check the Eyes
3. Pulmonary function tests to check the Lungs
4. Audiometry test to check the Ears
The check-ups are carried out by professional doctors using sophisticated equipment in a 5-star atmosphere.